Theorems 2 and 7 give information about the set of distortion
functions of subgroups of one particular group,
In this
section, we shall fix an arbitrary finitely generated group G and describe
all possible length functions (and hence distortion functions) of G inside
other groups.
A complete description of all length functions of a finitely generated group is given by the following theorem.
In the particular case when G is the infinite cyclic group, Theorem 8
implies that for any number
there exists a group
and an element
such that the length of giin
grows as
This gives an answer to a question of Gromov [19].
Another problem by Gromov [19] asked for a description of length functions of cyclic groups in finitely presented groups. It is clear that not every function satisfying (D1)-(D3) can be a length function of the cyclic group in a finitely presented group: the cardinality of the set of O-equivalence classes of functions satisfying (D1)-(D3) is the continuum, and the set of embeddings of the infinite cyclic group into finitely presented groups is countable. Nevertheless the following theorem shows that all ``reasonable" functions are length functions of a given finitely generated group G in a finitely presented group.
Let G be a group with a finite generating set
Let Fm be the free group generated by
Every function
can be naturally extended to a function
for a word
(where r(w) is the natural map from the free group onto G).
We say that
is computable if
is computable in the natural sense.
This theorem immediately follows from Theorem 8 and the following result.
Although Theorem 9 shows that all ``reasonable" functions are length functions of a given finitely generated recursively presented group inside finitely presented groups, it does not give a characterization of these functions. Such a characterization has been found recently by Olshanskii. This answers questions asked by P. Papasoglu and R. Gilman. It also gives a complete solution of one of the Gromov's problems from [19]. It turned out that such a characterization can be easily deduced from [30] and [31].
We say that a function
satisfies condition (D4) if
there exists a natural number n and a recursively enumerable set
such that
(a) if
for some words v1,v2,u then
v1 and v2 represent the same element in G;
for every
Clearly it does not depend on the choice of generators of G whether satisfies condition (D4) or not because of the obvious rewriting.
Notice that in (D4), we can always assume n=2. Indeed, if condition (D4)
holds for a function
and some n, it also holds for
and any
natural number
since there is an isomorphic embedding of Fninto Fn'.
Condition (D4) is relatively complicated. We do not know if it is possible to simplify it in general. But in the case when the group G has solvable word problem, including the important case when G is cyclic, condition (D4) can be replaced by a much simpler condition.
As usual, the graph of a function
is the set
A pair (w,k) is said to lie above the graph of
(D4') The set of pairs above the graph of
is recursively enumerable.
Conversely, for every function
satisfying conditions
(D1), (D2), (D3), and (D4'), there exists an embedding of G into a finitely
presented group H such that the corresponding length function on G is
O-equivalent to
It is again clear that whether condition (D4') holds or not does not depend of the choice of generators of G.
In the important particular case when G is the infinite cyclic group we have
It is easy to prove that (D4) implies (D4'). Indeed, suppose that (D4)
holds. Consider a Turing machine M listing elements of the recursively
enumerable set S. Let us change the machine M in such a way that (1)
instead of pairs (w,u) from
it produces pairs (w, |u|)from
and (2) after every, say, 10, steps of
calculation, it goes through all pairs listed so far and for each of these
(wi, ki) adds a pair
(wi, ki+1) to the list, then it does the
next 10 steps of calculations, etc. Clearly, this new machine will list all
pairs which are above the graph of
and only these pairs.
Thus the set of pairs above the
graph of
is recursively enumerable and condition (D4') holds.
By the proper choice of a universal group H it is not difficult to sharpen the formulation of Theorems 9 and 11. One can select the group H in these theorems (independently of G) as the receptacle of all possible ``computable distortions" of finitely generated recursively presented groups. The next theorem follows from Theorem 4 from [31].