First of all let us present some ideas how to find a group with an ``arbitrary" Dehn function. Consider again the main diagram called a disc on Figure 5 for the group Gm,n.
The disc is divided by the k-bands into N sectors. The words written on the circles between consecutive k's have the form
What we get is a simple example of a so called S-machine.
Roughly speaking, the difference between S-machines and ordinary Turing machines is that S-machines are almost ``blind". They ``see" letters written on the tape only when these letters are between two heads of the machine and the heads are very close to each other. If the heads are far apart, the machine does not see any letters on the tape, in this case a command executed by the machine depends only on the state of the heads.
In contrast, ordinary Turing machines can see letters on the tape near the position where the head is. The command executed by the machine always depends not only on the state of the head but (which is very important!) also on the letter(s) observed by the head. Notice that even for moving the head of a Turing machine one square to the left, one needs to know the content of the square to the left of the head.
Let us give a precise definition of S-machines. Let k be a natural
number. Consider now a language of admissible words. It consists of
words of the form
Notice that in every admissible word, there is exactly one representative of each Qi and these representatives appear in this word in the order of the indices of Qi.
q1u1q2...ukqk+1 is an admissible word then
the subword
qiui...qj of W is called the (Qi,Qj)-subword of W(i<j).
An S-machine is a rewriting system [23]. The objects of this rewriting system are all admissible words.
The rewriting rules, or S-rules, have the following form:
To apply an S-rule to a word W means to replace simultaneously subwords Ui by subwords Vi, i=1,...,m. In particular, this means that our rule is not applicable if one of the Ui's is not a subword of W. The following convention is important:
After every application of a rewriting rule, the word is automatically reduced. We do not consider reducing of an admissible word a separate step of an S-machine.
We also always assume that an S-machine is symmetric, that is for every rule of the S-machine the inverse rule (defined in the natural way) is also a rule of this S-machine. This reflects the fact that the r-edges in the disc on Figure 5 can point away from the hub or toward the hub.
Notice that virtually any S-machine is highly nondeterministic.
Among all admissible words of an S-machine we fix one word W0. If an
can take an admissible word W to W0 then we say
accepts W. We can define a time and space function of an
S-machine as usual. If
is an accepting
computation of the
|Z|+|Z1|+...+|Zn| is
called the area of this computation. This allows us to define the area function of an S-machine.
In fact a stronger theorem can be deduced from the main results of [38]. It was recently proved by Sapir.
Notice that an S-machine with one head and one state letter is completely blind (in the sense explained above). The rules of such an S-machine have the following very simple form:
The amazing fact is that the proof of a completely Computer Science
statement, Theorem 19, involves some heavy geometric group theory.
We first convert M into an S-machine
with many heads, then
into the group from [38] with Dehn function
T(n)4, then convert the group into an S-machine
with one head
and one internal state, having time function T(n)4 (in the last step we
use an idea from Miller [27]).
The group
associated with an S-machine
is constructed
in the same way as the group Gm,n presented above. We add all rules of
to the set of generators and for every rule r of the form
we have p relations
U1r=V1,...,Upr=Vp. These
relations replace the relations
qir=aqi in the presentation of
Gm,n. The other relations are the same.
Although this construction slightly differs from the construction in [38] it is possible to prove the following statement.
Now in order to embed a finitely generated group G into a finitely presented group
we take a Turing machine M recognizing words which are equal to 1 in G, convert it into an S-machine ,
and then basically repeat the construction of the group Hm,nreplacing B(m,n) by G and Gm,n by
The resulting group is denoted by
It plays the role of group H in Theorem 14.