Here we present the main ideas of the proofs of results from [30] (see Section 1.3).
If G is a subgroup of a group H with a finite set of generators
then the function
on G evidently
satisfies conditions (D1)-(D3) from Theorem 8.
For instance condition (D3) holds because the
number of all words of length at most k in the alphabet B grows
exponentially as
To prove that every function
satisfying conditions (D1)-(D3)
can be realized as the length function of G inside a finitely generated
group H, we start with a presentation G = FG/N, where FG is a free
group with the basis
and N is the
kernel of homomorphism
Then we construct an embedding
of FG into the
2-generated free group
F=F2=F(b1,b2), such that the image
is freely generated by Xg,
and the words Xgare very ``independent" in the sense described below.
The group H is equal to the quotient F/L, where L is the normal
closure of
in F.
Notice that whatever homomorphism
we choose, it induces a
To make this homomorphism injective,
we need the following property:
(*) For any normal subgroup
there is a
normal subgroup
such that
The fact that free groups and more generally every non-elementary hyperbolic group has plenty of infinitely generated free subgroups with property (*) is interesting in its own right, it was the key ingredient in Olshanskii's proof from [29] of the fact that every non-elementary hyperbolic group is SQ-universal.
It turns out that we can make
satisfy condition (*) by choosing
reduced words Xg with the following small cancellation condition:
(**) If Y is a subword of a word Xg and
then Y occurs in Xg as a subword only once, and Y occurs neither
in Xg-1 nor in
It is relatively easy to construct an infinite set of words
Xg in the alphabet
which satisfies
the (**)-condition and has exponential growth, that is the number of different words Xgof length k grows exponentially as
Since by condition (D3) the number of elements
does not exceed
ck for some constant c, we can choose
the set
in such a way that
We need to show that the embedding
is quasi-isometric. For this we take any element Xg of
and consider the shortest word W in the alphabet
representing Xg in H. The group H is given by the presentation consisting of all relations of the form
Xg1Xg2...Xgn=1 where in G.
Since Xg=W modulo this presentation, we can consider the corresponding van Kampen diagram with boundary label XgW-1. We can assume that the number of cells in
is minimal
among all such diagrams.
The condition (**) implies the following property of van Kampen diagrams over the
presentation of H. Let
be cells in a diagram
having a common edge. Then either any common arc p of the boundaries
is short compared to the perimeters
P1, P2 of the cells (say,
), or a
subdiagram consisting of
has also a boundary label of
the form
i.e. the subdiagram can be replaced
by one cell. The latter option cannot occur in
because of the
minimality of the diagram
satisfies a small
cancellation condition [25].
This in turn allows us to prove that the word W is freely equal to a
for some
(see [30] for details). Further,
since the cancellations in such a product are small,