Let E be the elementary matrix obtained from I by some row operation p. Prove that for every matrix A of the same size as E the product A*ET coincides with the matrix obtained from A by applying the operation p to the columns of A.

Show that for every symmetric matrix B there exists a sequence of elementary matrices E1, E2,...,En such that

Em...E2E1BE1T E2T...EmT = S

where S is a diagonal matrix with 1's and 0's on the diagonal (that is each diagonal entry of A is 1 or 0, each entry outside the diagonal is 0). Notice that S=S2. Deduce that

B=[(Em...E2E1)-1S]*[S{(Em ...E2E1)T}-1]

Notice that the matrix in the first square backets is the transpose of the matrix in the second square brackets (use the theorem about transposes). This completes the proof.