Lemma. Every
elementary matrix is invertible and the inverse is again an elementary matrix.
If an elementary matrix E is
obtained from I by using a certain
row-operation q then E-1 is obtained from I by the "inverse"
operation q-1 defined as follows:
If q is the adding operation (add x times row j to row I) then q-1 is also an adding operation (add -x times row j to row I).
If q is the multiplication of a row by x then q-1 is the multiplication of the same row by x-1.
If q is a swapping operation then q-1=q.
Proof. Indeed, it is easy to see that for every
elementary operation q if we apply q and then q-1 then we return to the
original matrix. In particular, if we apply q and then q-1 to I, we
return to I. But by the
about elementary
matrices, application of a row operation to a matrix is equivalent to
multiplying this matrix by the corresponding elementary matrix. Thus
let E be the elementary matrix corresponding to the operation q, let F be the
elementary matrix corresponding to the operation q-1. Then
Thus E is invertible
and F is the inverse
of E. The lemma is proved.