A linear equation
Systems of linear equations
a1x1+a2x2+...+anxn=b (1)
where x1,...,xn are unknowns, a1,...,an, b are coefficients.
This equation has three unknowns and four coefficients (3, -4, 5, 6).
A solution of a linear equation (1) is a sequence of numbers
x1,...,xn which make (1) a true equality.
is a solution of equation (2).
A linear equation can have infinitely many solutions, exactly
one solution or no solutions at all.
Equation (2) has infinitely many solutions. To find them all
we can set arbitrary values of x and y and then solve (2) for z.
We get:
These formulas give all solutions of our equation meaning that for every
choice of values of t and s we get a solution and every solution is obtained
this way. Thus this is a (the) general solution of our equation.
There may be many formulas giving all solutions of a given equation. For
example Maple gives another formula:
> with(linalg);
This command starts the linear algebra package.
linsolve(A, b);
This command asks Maple to solve the system of equations.
The solution has two parameters t1 and t2;
In order to get this solution "by hand"
one can give y and z arbitrary values
(t1 and t2) and solve for x.
A system of linear equations is
any sequence of linear equations. A solution
of a system of linear equations
is any common solution of these equations.
A system is called consistent if it has a solution.
A general solution of a
system of linear equations is
a formula which gives
all solutions for different values of parameters.
Examples. 1. Consider the system:
x + y = 7 2x + 4y = 18
This system has just one solution: x=5, y=2. This
is a general solution of the system.
2. Consider the system:
x + y + z = 7 2x + 4y + z = 18.
This system has infinitely many solutions given by this formula:
x = 5-3s/2
y = 2+s/2
z = s
This is a general solution of our system.
In order to find a general solution of a system of equations, one needs to simplify it as much as possible. The simplest system of linear equations is
x = a
y = b
where every equation has only one unknown and all these unknowns are different.
It is not possible to reduce every system of linear equations to this form, but
we can get very close. There are three operations that one can apply to any system of linear equations:
The system obtained
after each of these operations is equivalent to the original
system, meaning that they have the same solutions.
For example consider the system
x + y = 7 2x + 4y = 18
We can first replace the second equation by the second equation plus the
first equation multiplied by -2. We get
x + y = 7 2y = 4
Now we can use the third operation and multiply the second equation by 1/2:
x + y = 7 y = 2
Finally we can replace the first equation by the sum of the first equation and
the second equation multiplied by -1:
x = 5 y = 2
Since this system is equivalent to the original system, we get that x=5, y=2
is the general solution of the original system.