
Getting started with LaTeX

This is a compliation of resources for using LaTeX to produce mathematical documents. It was initially compiled for use by students in the University of Chicago's summer REU program. It is also a repository for guides and resources I find useful in everyday LaTeXing.

Where to get LaTeX

If you run Windows, the easiest way to get Latex on your computer is probably using proTeXt. This gives you a short clickable pdf document with links to install everything you need.

If you have a Mac, MacTeX should be more or less the same thing.

If you run Linux, the current tex packages for most distros seem to be TeXLive.

Template and References

This is a sample latex template. It is based on Peter May's REU latex template but with more examples. tex file dvi file pdf file

Interested in making commutative diagrams in latex? Here's a sample document that walks you through making commutative diagrams using xymatrix, tikz, and tikzcd. The tex file and pdf file are designed to be read together. I created this document as a reference for my graduate differential topology class.

Here are some useful reference for using Tex and Latex: