Proceedings Information

We have now signed a contract with Springer for a proceedings to be entitled Approximation Theory XV, San Antonio, 2016. The book will be very similar in form to the proceedings of the 2013 meeting which appeared in the same Springer series. A free preview of that volume is available at AT14 proceedings.

Here are the guidelines:

1) We will publish only full length, original papers which have not (and will not) be published elsewhere.

2) There are no page limits, but we reserve the right to require reductions of excessively long papers.

2) Your paper should be prepared using the LaTeX macros available at macros. Go to the Latex Template section, and then to Contributed Books. Please follow the style outlined there.

3) You should submit a PDF file (only) of your contribution to the conference email ( by NOVEMBER 30, 2016.

4) Papers will be double refereed to journal standards. We will notify you of our decision by FEBRUARY 1, 2017.

5) If your paper is accepted, we will ask you to submit the final PDF file, the LaTeX file, all supporting macros, and all figure files. At that time we will also ask you to provide us with a copyright transfer form.

6) We intend to submit the final files to Springer in March, and the book should be out by May, 2017. They may do some reformatting of the papers. To make sure no errors were introduced, they will be sending you galley proofs before the book is published. Please deal with these promptly.

7) Unfortunately, we could not get Springer to send free copies of the book to all authors, but they have agreed to provide each contributor with access to the electronic version of the book on SpringerLink for a period of two years starting from the date of publication of the book.

8) For any questions, contact us at the conference email: