Homework due Class 32

1. For which values of t the following 4-vectors form a basis of R4: (1,t,3,4), (t, t, 3, 4t), (1,t, 3t, 4), (1, 1, 3, 4t) ?

From the webnotes, we need 4 linearly independent vectors to form a basis for R4. We also know (from the webnotes) that four vectors are linearly independent if their matrix of coefficients has a determinant not equal to zero.

> A:=matrix(4,4,[1,t,1,1,t,t,t,1,3,3,3*t,3,4,4*t,4,4*t]);

> =matrix(4,4,[1,t,1,1,t,t,t,1,3,3,3*t,3,4,4*t,4,4*t]);
A := [ 1 t 1 1 ]
[ t t 1 1 ]
[ 3 3 3t 3 ]
[ 4 4t 4 4t ]

> det(A);

36 t3 - 36 t2 - 12 t4 + 12 t

> solve("=0,t);

0, 1, 1, 1

Thus, for all values of t not equal to 0 or 1, we have a basis of R4.

2. Find a basis in R4 containing the following vectors: (1,1,2,2), (2,3,3,3).

To have a basis in R4 we need 4 linearly independent vectors. We will try the set of vectors (1,1,2,2); (2,3,3,3); (0,0,1,0); (0,0,0,1) For this set to be linearly independent (from the webnotes) we need the determinant of its matrix of coefficients to be non-zero. So from maple we get:

> A:=matrix([[1,2,0,0],[1,3,0,0],[2,3,1,0],[2,3,0,1]]);
> =matrix([[1,2,0,0],[1,3,0,0],[2,3,1,0],[2,3,0,1]]);

A := [ 1 2 0 0 ]
[ 1 3 0 0 ]
[ 2 3 1 0 ]
[ 2 3 0 1 ]

> det(A);
> t(A);


Thus, the determinant not zero, so the four vectors are linearly independent and we have a basis of R4.

3. Find a basis of R3 contained in the following set of vectors: (1, 1, 1), (2, 2, 2), (3, 3, 3), (1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 4), (3, 2, 1).

From one of the theorems about basis in the web notes, we have:

2. If S is a linearly dependent set in an n-dimensional space V and V=span(S) then by removing some elements of S we can get a basis of V.

Also, we know that a basis of R3 needs three vectors from the webnotes. But... (1,1,1); (2,2,2); and (3,3,3) are all scalar multiples, so we can only have one of these three in the basis of R3. (from linear independence)

(2,3,4) is a linear combination of (1,1,1) and (1,2,3); so it cannot be in this basis. (from linear independence) ie. (1,1,1) + (1,2,3) = (2,3,4)

(3,2,1) is a linear combination of (1,1,1) and (1,2,3); so it cannot be in this basis. (from linear independence) ie. 4*(1,1,1) +(-1)*(1,2,3) = (3,2,1).

Thus, we only have 2 vectors left (1,1,1) and (1,2,3) and cannot (from the web notes) form a basis of R3.

4. What is the dimension of the subspace of R4 spanned by the vectors (1,2,3,4), (1,1,1,1), (3, 4, 5, 6), (5, 7, 9, 11)?

From a theorem about spans in the WebNotes, if S is a subset of a vector space V and a is an element in S which is equal to a linear combination of other elements of S, then S' (the set obtained by removing a from S) is such that span(S)=span(S').

So let S={(1,2,3,4), (1,1,1,1), (3, 4, 5, 6), (5, 7, 9, 11)}. Then notice that (3,4,5,6) equals a linear combination of other elements of S:

(3,4,5,6) = (1,2,3,4) + 2*(1,1,1,1).

Also notice that (5,7,9,11) is a linear combination of these same two elements of S:

(5,7,9,11) = 2*(1,2,3,4) + 3*(1,1,1,1).

So let S' be the set obtained by removing (3,4,5,6) and (5,7,9,11) from S. Then span(S')=span(S).

Since (1,1,1,1) and (1,2,3,4) are linearly independent (they are not proportional), they form a basis of the subspace spanned by S', which is identical to the subspace spanned by S. Since S' only contains two elements and is the basis for the subset, this subset has dimension 2.