Organizers: Anna Marie Bohmann, Rares
Rasdeaconu and Larry Rolen
Fridays, 3:10-4:00pm in SC 1310 (unless
otherwise noted)
Speaker: Joshua Males, University of Cologne (Germany)
Title: Constructing quantum modular forms of depth two
Abstract: Work of Bringmann,
Kaszian and Milas in 2017 introduced the concept of higher
depth quantum modular forms
(qmfs), and therein provided one such example of a qmf of
depth two, related to characters of vertex algebras. In this
we see how to generalise their work to obtain an infinite
family of non-trivial qmfs of depth two. To show this, we
relate our
constructed function F asymptotically to double Eichler
integrals on the lower half plane, and further to
theta functions with coefficients given by double error
functions. (Contact Person: Larry Rolen)
Speaker: Laurentiu
Maxim, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Title: Euclidean distance degree of algebraic varieties
Abstract: The Euclidean
distance degree of an algebraic variety is a well-studied
topic in applied algebra and geometry.
It has direct applications in geometric modeling, computer
vision, and statistics. I will first describe a new
interpretation of the Euclidean distance degree of an affine
variety in terms of Euler characteristics. As a concrete
I will present a solution to the open problem in computer
vision of determining the Euclidean distance degree of the
multiview variety. Secondly, I will present a solution to a
conjecture of Aluffi-Harris concerning the Euclidean distance
degree of projective varieties (Joint work with J. Rodriguez
and B. Wang.) (Contact Person: Rares Rasdeaconu)
Speaker: Kate Ponto,
University of Kentucky
Title: Fixed point invariants are maps
Abstract: Thinking about fixed
point invariants as generalizations of the Euler
characteristic suggests structure we would
want these invariants to have - additivity on subcomplexes and
multiplicativity on fibrations being the first examples. Using
classical perspectives this structure can be hard to see (and
may not exist) but if we think of invariants as maps rather
numbers (or elements of groups) the desired structure follows
from formal constructions. (Contact Person: Anna Marie Bohmann)
13-14th, 2019 Shanks Workshop on Homotopy Theory
Location: Stevenson
Center 1308 (Contact Person: Anna Marie Bohmann)