Organizers: Anna Marie Bohmann, Rares Rasdeaconu, Ioana Suvaina
Yu-Shen Lin (Boston University)
Title: The Torelli theorem for ALH* gravitational instantons
Abstract: K3
surfaces are 2-dimensional Calabi-Yau manifolds and are
usually the testing stone before conquering
the general Calabi-Yau problems. The moduli space of K3
surfaces and its compactification on their own form
problems in various branches in geometry. Gravitational
instantons were introduced by Hawking as the building block
for his Euclidean quantum gravity theory back in the 1970s.
These are non-compact Calabi-Yau surfaces with L2-curvature
and thus can be viewed as the non-compact analogue of K3
surfaces. In this talk, we will discuss the Torelli theorem
certain type of gravitational instantons, labeled by ALH*.
As a consequence, this leads to a description of the moduli
of ALH*-gravitational instantons. The talk is based on joint
works with T. Collins, A. Jacob and T.-J. Lee. (contact
Ioana Suvaina)
Anna Marie Bohmann (Vanderbilt University)
Title: Assembly in the Algebraic K-theory of Lawvere Theories
Abstract: Lawvere's algebraic
theories are an elegant and flexible way of encoding
algebraic structures, ranging from
group actions on sets to modules over rings and
beyond. We discuss a construction of the algebraic
K-theory of such
theories that generalizes the algebraic K-theory of a
ring and show that this construction allows us to build
assembly-style maps. This is joint work with Markus
Shih-Kai Chiu (Vanderbilt University)
Calabi-Yau manifolds
Hannah Housden (Vanderbilt University)
Title: Equivariant Stable Homotopy Theory for Diagrams
Abstract: A group can be viewed as a category with one object where every morphism is an isomorphism.Speaker:
Ben Spitz (UCLA)
Title: Mackey and Tambara
Functors Beyond Equivariant Homotopy
Mackey and Tambara functors are equivariant
generalizations of abelian groups and
commutative rings, respectively. What this means is
that, in equivariant homotopy theory, Mackey functors appear
wherever one would expect to find
abelian groups, and Tambara functors appear
wherever one would expect to find
commutative rings. More recently, work
by Bachmann and Hoyois has garnered interest in related structures
appear in motivic homotopy theory -
these Motivic
Mackey Functors and Motivic Tambara Functors do not have
anything to do with group-equivariance,
but have the same axiomatics. In this talk, I'll
introduce a general context for
interpreting the notions of Mackey and Tambara
Functors, which subsumes both the equivariant and motivic notions.
The aim of this approach is to
translate theorems between contexts,
enriching the theory and providing cleaner proofs
of essential facts. To
this end, I'll discuss recent progress in boosting a foundational result
about norms from equivariant
algebra to this more general context.
(contact person: Anna Marie Bohmann)