Organizers: Anna Marie Bohmann, Rares Rasdeaconu, Ioana
Speaker: Clover May (NTNU)
Title: Structure theorem for RO(G)-graded equivariant cohomology
For spaces with an action by a group G, one
can compute an equivariant analogue of singular
cohomology called RO(G)-graded Bredon cohomology. Computations in this setting are often
and not well understood, even for G = C_2, the cyclic
group of order 2. In this talk, I will start with an
introduction to RO(G)-graded cohomology and describe a
structure theorem for RO(C_2)-graded
cohomology with (the equivariant analogue of)
Z/2-coefficients. The structure theorem describes
the building blocks for the cohomology of C_2-spaces and
makes computations significantly easier.
It shows the
cohomology of a finite C_2 space depends only on the
cohomology of two types of
spheres, representation spheres and antipodal spheres. I will give some applications and talk about
work in
progress generalizing the structure theorem to other
settings. (Contact Person: Anna Marie Bohmann)
Mitchell Faulk (Vanderbilt
Title: Embedding Deligne-Mumford stacks into GIT quotient stacks of linear representations
Ordinary Kodaira
embedding uses an ample invertible sheaf to embed a proper
variety into a projective space.
We obtain an extension to stacks with finite stabilizer
groups: we are able to use a suitably ample locally free
over a proper Deligne-Mumford stack to furnish an
embedding of the stack into a geometric invariant theory
quotient stack constructed from a finite-dimensional
linear representation of the general linear group.