Organizers: Anna Marie Bohmann, Rares
Rasdeaconu and Ioana Suvaina
Fridays, 3:10-4:00pm in SC 1310 (unless
otherwise noted)
Speaker: Mitchell Faulk, Vanderbilt University
Title: An extension of Yau's theorem to asymptotically conical manifolds (and orbifolds)
Abstract: Yau's original
solution to Calabi's conjecture states that, given a
prescribed form representing
the first Chern class on a compact Kahler manifold, it
is possible to find a Kahler metric whose Ricci form
is the given one, and moreover, this metric is unique. Yau's
solution involves solving a Monge-Ampere
equation via a continuity method, and uses certain a priori
estimates to obtain regularity on the candidate
solution. I'll discuss a variant of this theorem in the
setting where the Kahler manifold is asymptotic
to a cone. The precise existence results in this setting
depend on the linearized equation, and in particular
on the Fredholm index of the linearized operator. In the
compact case, the index is always zero, but in
this asymptotic setting, the index varies as a step function
of the decay rate of the prescribed Ricci form.
I'll discuss some small improvements on an existence statement
from Conlon-Hein in the case where
Fredholm index is the first negative value. The techniques
involved are linear.
Speaker: Jocelyne Ishak, Vanderbilt University
Title: New case of rigidity in stable homotopy theory
Abstract: In some cases, it is
sufficient to work in the homotopy category Ho(C) associated
to a model category C,
but looking at the homotopy level alone does not provide us
with higher order structure information. Therefore,
we investigate the question of rigidity: If we just had the
structure of the homotopy category, how much of the
underlying model structure can we recover? This question has
been investigated during the last decade, and some
examples have been studied, but there are still a lot of open
questions regarding this subject. In this talk, we will take
a tour through the world of stable homotopy theory. This tour
will start at the spectra level and Bousfield localization,
then we will pass to the rigidity question and what it means
in this world. We will end our tour by talking about
a new case of rigidity, which is the localization of spectra
with respect to the Morava K-theory K(1), at p=2.