Subfactor Seminar
Spring 2025
Organizers: Dietmar Bisch and Jesse Peterson
Fridays, 4:10-5:30pm central in SC 1432
Zoom Meeting ID for Zoom talks: 960 7137 8075
- Date: 1/17/25
- Darren Creutz, Vanderbilt University
- Title: Subshifts of non-superlinear complexity cannot be mixing
- Abstract: I will present the companion result to my proof of the existence of mixing subshifts with word complexity arbitrarily close to linear, namely that any subshift which does not have superlinear word complexity must be partially rigid hence cannot be (strongly) mixing.
More specifically, if p(q) is the number of words of length q appearing in a subshift and \liminf p(q)/q < infty then there exists a constant 0 < c \leq 1 such that every invariant probability measure \mu for the subshift, there is measure-theoretic partial rigidity of at least c: for all measurable sets B, \limsup \mu(T^{n} B \cap B) \geq c \mu(B). The tools involved range from graph theory and combinatorics to classical ergodic theory.
- Date: 1/24/25 (Zoom Meeting ID: 960 7137 8075)
- Larissa Kroell, University of Waterloo
- Title: The ideal intersection property for partial reduced crossed products
- Abstract: Given a C*-dynamical system, a fruitful avenue to study its properties has been to study the dynamics on its injective envelope. This approach relies on the result of Kalantar and Kennedy (2017), who show that C*-simplicity can be characterized via the Furstenberg boundary using G-injective envelope techniques. In this talk, we will discuss consequences of this idea for partial C*-dynamical systems. In particular, we introduce partial G-injective envelopes and generalize techniques for ordinary C*-dynamical systems given in Kennedy and Schafhauser (2019) to partial C*-dynamical systems. As an application of this machinery, we give a characterization of the ideal intersection property for partial C*-dynamical systems. This is joint work with Matthew Kennedy and Camila Sehnem.
- Date: 1/31/25
- Terry Adams, U.S. Government (retired)
- Title: Is it reasonable to ask for universally convergent moving averages?
- Abstract: This is joint work with Joe Rosenblatt. We consider pointwise convergence of moving averages of the form:
M(v_n, L_n)^T f =
\frac{1}{L_n} \sum_{i=v_n+1}^{v_n+L_n} f \circ T^i
where $L_n \geq n$, $T$ is an ergodic transformation preserving a measure $\mu$ and $f \in L^p(\mu)$ for some $p \geq 1$. For non-zero $f\in L^1(\mu)$, there is a generic class of ergodic transformations $T$ such that each transformation has an associated moving average which does not converge pointwise. By solving the coboundary equation, we show if $f \in L^2(\mu)$, there always exists an ergodic transformation $T$ with universally convergent moving averages for $L_n \geq n$. However, this does not generalize to $L^p(\mu)$ for $p<2$. We explicitly define functions $f\in \bigcap_{p<2} L^p(\mu)$ such that for each ergodic measure preserving $T$, there exists a moving average which does not converge pointwise. Several of the results are generalized to the case of moving averages where $L_n$ has polynomial growth. This is joint work with Joe Rosenblatt.
- Date: 2/7/25
- Itamar Vigdorovich, UC San Diego
- Title: The trace simplex of groups and C*-algebras
- Abstract: The space of traces/characters of a group, and more generally a C*-algebra, is well known to be a simplex. For a group with Kazhdan property (T), the space of traces is a Bauer simplex - its extreme points are closed. For the free group, and more general free products, the space of traces is a Poulsen simplex - its extreme points are dense. I will discuss these results, proof ideas, and their applications.
The talk is based on several works with co-authors including Ioana, Levit, Orovitz, Slutsky, Spaas.
- Date: 2/14/25
- Caleb Eckhardt, Miami University
- Title: Hilbert-Schmidt stability and residually finite amenable groups
- Abstract: Loosely speaking, a group G is Hilbert-Schmidt (HS) stable if every approximate homomorphism from G to a finite-dimensional unitary group (equipped with the HS-norm) is close to an actual homomorphism. It is straightforward to see that any finitely generated amenable HS-stable group is residually finite. I'll describe some groups that show the converse does not hold and the connections of these examples to other forms of stability and topological dynamics. The examples are easy to describe, so depending on the patience of the audience, we could construct the almost homomorphisms that cannot be perturbed to true homomorphisms. Time permitting I'll also talk about related joint work with Tatiana Shulman by describing some amenable groups that are HS-stable but not permutation stable.
- Date: 2/21/25
- Behrang Forghani, College of Charleston
- Title: Boundaries and Entropy of Random Walks on Groups
- Abstract: One of the central questions in the theory of random walks on groups is how the long-term behavior of these walks relates to the algebraic or geometric structure of the group. In the 1960s, Furstenberg introduced the Poisson boundary to describe the stochastically significant behavior of a random walk at infinity. In this talk, we will begin with an introduction to random walks on groups, harmonic functions, the construction of the Poisson boundary, and characterizations of groups based on their Poisson boundaries. We will also discuss the role of entropy in identifying the Poisson boundary of random walks on groups, particularly those endowed with additional geometric, algebraic, or combinatorial structures (e.g., free groups or, more generally, groups acting on hyperbolic spaces).
- Date: 2/28/25
- Date: 3/7/25
- Date: 3/14/25
- Date: 3/21/25
- Date: 3/28/25
- Date: 4/4/25
- Date: 4/11/25
- Date: 4/18/25
- End of Spring Semester.
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