Subfactor Seminar
Fall 2024
Organizers: Dietmar Bisch and Jesse Peterson
Fridays, 4:10-5:30pm central in SC 1432
Zoom Meeting ID for Zoom talks: 974 6820 2440
- Date: 9/6/24
- Rolando de Santiago, Cal State University Long Beach
- Title: Bounding quantum chromatic numbers of quantum graphs.
- Abstract: In this talk we will discuss extensions of the 4 fundamental products of graphs (cartesian, categorical, lexicographical, and strong products) to quantum graphs, and provide bounds on the resulting graphs akin to those for products of classical graphs. We will pay particular attention to the lexicographical product, discussing our notion of a quantum b-fold chromatic number as a tool for computing the quantum chromatic number of the lexicographical products.
- Date: 9/13/24
- David Penneys, The Ohio State University
- Title: Subfactor techniques in topological order
- Abstract: Recently, operator algebras and subfactor theory have been
used in multiple ways to analyze topologically ordered spin systems.
We will discuss several of these methods and their applications.
- Date: 9/20/24
- Adriana Fernandez I Quero, University of Iowa
- Title: Connes rigidity conjecture for groups with infinite center
- Abstract: In this paper we propose for study a natural version
of Connes Rigidity Conjecture (1982) which involves property (T) groups
with infinite center. Using methods at the rich intersection between von
Neumann algebras and geometric group theory we provide several instances
when this holds. This is joint work with Ionut Chifan, Denis Osin, and Hui Tan.
- Date: 9/27/24
- Noah Snyder, Indiana University
- Title: Braided trivalent categories and the Exceptional Series
- Abstract: One major topic in planar algebras is to study "simple skein theories" which here "skein theory" means we are looking at planar algebras generated by certain simple diagrams (like trivalent vertices) and "simple" means the dimensions of the box spaces aren't too big. For example, questions of this kind were studied by Kazhdan-Wenzl (oriented skein theories generated by a 2-box), Wenzl-Tuba (unoriented braided skein theories), Bisch-Jones-Liu (shaded skein theories generated by a 2-box), and Kuperberg and Morrison-Peters-Snyder (skein theories generated by a trivalent vertex). In work joint with Thurston and joint in part with Morrison, we study simple braided trivalent skein theories. It turns out that for generic values of a twist parameter these skein theories are closely related to the conjectural exceptional family of Deligne-Vogel-Cvitanovic. It's also interesting to look at what happens when this twist parameter is a small root of unity, in which case we see examples in the G2, F4, and S_t families as well as a possible new example at a fifth root of unity.
- Date: 10/4/24
- Bat-Od Battseren, Vanderbilt University
- Title: M_d type approximation properties for locally compact groups
- Abstract: M_d type approximation properties are group approximation properties that are studied in connection to Dixmier's similarity problem. These properties are known to be stable under measure equivalence, W*-equivalence, and von Neumann equivalence. In this talk, we will discuss how we can define these properties for locally compact second countable groups and show that lattices and their ambient group share the same properties.
- Date: 10/11/24
- Date: 10/18/24
- Madeline Brandt, Vanderbilt University
- Title: The virtual Euler characteristic for binary matroids
- Abstract: Inspired by Kontsevich's graphic orbifold Euler characteristic, we define a virtual Euler characteristic for any finite set of isomorphism classes of matroids of rank r. Our main result provides a simple formula for the virtual Euler characteristic for the set of isomorphism classes of binary matroids of rank r. This is joint work with Juliette Bruce and Dan Corey.
- Date: 10/25/24
- Date: 11/1/24
- Date: 11/8/24
- Date: 11/15/24
- Talia Fernós, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
- Title: AU-Acylindricity in Higher Rank, and its Accompanying (Imperfect) Semi-Simple Dictionary.
- Abstract: AU-Acylindricity may be viewed as generalizing the type of action a lattice enjoys on its ambient space. In a recent joint work with S. Balasubramanya, we extend the theory of acylindrically hyperbolic groups to the higher rank setting, using the theory of S-arithmetic lattices in semi-simple linear groups as motivation. This leads to an (imperfect) dictionary between the classical theory of algebraic groups and isometric actions on finite products of delta-hyperbolic spaces. In this talk we will focus on the techniques of this recent work and connect them to both classes of groups mentioned above.
- Date: 11/22/24
- Date: 11/29/24
- No Meeting, Thanksgiving Break
- Date: 12/6/24
- End of Fall Semester.
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