Operator Algebras Seminar, Winter 2002
Organizer: Dietmar Bisch
Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, South Hall,
Room 4607B
- Date: 1/10/02 (Thursday)
- Speaker: Anne Louise Svendsen, UCSB
- Title: On invariants for subfactors, Part 1
- Date: 1/15/02 (Tuesday)
- Speaker: Anne Louise Svendsen, UCSB
- Title: On invariants for subfactors, Part 2
- Abstract:
- Date: 1/17/02 (Thursday)
- Speaker: Anne Louise Svendsen, UCSB
- Title: On invariants for subfactors, Part 3
- Date: 1/22/02 (Tuesday)
- Speaker: Anne Louise Svendsen, UCSB
- Title: On invariants for subfactors, Part 4
- Date: 1/24/02 (Thursday)
- Speaker: Anne Louise Svendsen, UCSB
- Title: On invariants for subfactors, Part 5
- Date: 1/29/02 (Tuesday)
- Speaker: Alexis Alevras, UCSB
- Title: Ergodic theory and maximal abelian subalgebras of the hyperfinite factor (after Neshveyev and Stormer)
- Date: 1/30/02 SPECIAL SEMINAR, Wednesday, 2-3pm, SH 6635
- Speaker: Nate Brown, MSU
- Title: An analogue of Szego's limit theorem for self adjoint operators
- Date: 1/31/02 (Thursday)
- Speaker: Anne Louise Svendsen, UCSB
- Title: On invariants for subfactors, Part 6
- Date: 2/5/02 (Tuesday)
- Speaker: Alexis Alevras, UCSB
- Title: Ergodic theory and maximal abelian subalgebras of the hyperfinite factor (after Neshveyev and Stormer), Part 2
- Date: 2/7/02 (Thursday)
- Speaker: Alexander Gorokhovsky, University of Michigan
- Title: On the Chern character of a Fredholm module
- Abstract:
Fredholm modules are the basic building blocks of
G. Kasparov's KK-theory. Finitely summable Fredholm modules
and their Chern characters, introduced by A. Connes,
are among the most important objects of Noncommutative geometry.
We discuss two methods of obtaining explicit formulas for these Chern
characters. One is based on the construction of the analogue of Paschke
duality cyclic cohomology. The other is based on an extension of Connes'
construction of the character of a cycle.
- Date: 2/12/02 (Tuesday)
- Speaker: Anne Louise Svendsen, UCSB
- Title: On invariants for subfactors, Part 7
- Date: 2/14/02 (Thursday)
- Date: 2/19/02 (Tuesday)
- Date: 2/21/02 (Thursday)
- Speaker: Anne Louise Svendsen, UCSB
- Title: On invariants for subfactors, Part 8
- Date: 2/26/02 (Tuesday)
- Date: 2/28/02 (Thursday)
- Speaker: Dietmar Bisch, UCSB
- Title: II1 factors with trivial fundamental group (after
Popa), Part 1
- Date: 3/5/02 (Tuesday)
- Speaker: Dietmar Bisch, UCSB
- Title: II1 factors with trivial fundamental group (after
Popa), Part 2
- Date: 3/7/02 (Thursday)
- Date: 3/12/02 (Tuesday)
- Speaker: Dietmar Bisch, UCSB
- Title: Entanglement - the spooky action at a distance
- Abstract:
Entanglement is a feature of quantum mechanics, which does
not exist in classical physics. It expresses a correlation of two
subsystems of a quantum physical system which appears naturally as
soon as the commutative algebras of functions in classical physics
are replaced by non-commutative algebras of operators (matrices) in
quantum physics. Einstein called this phenomenum ``spooky action at
a distance''. Entanglement is believed to be related to what speeds
up a quantum computer and is currently the subject of intense study in
quantum information science.
I will discuss entanglement and show how it can be used to transmit
quantum information on a classical channel (``quantum teleportation'').
Then I plan to present some of the proposals of how to quantify
entanglement, most of which have the flavor of entropy-like quantities
in operator algebras.
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