Spring Quarter 2002, Quantum Information and Quantum Dynamics (Math 260F)

Instructor: Dietmar Bisch
Lecture: TuTh, 9:30-10:45 am, South Hall 6635
Office: 6714 South Hall, (805) 893-2076
Office hours: TuTh 10:45-11:30 am and by appointment
Mailbox: 6631 South Hall

Prerequisites: Basic linear algebra and basic (functional) analysis. Some knowledge of quantum mechanics would be helpful.

Recommended Literature: There will be no textbook. The following books contain part of what I plan to cover in the course:

1) Robert Alicki and Mark Fannes, Quantum Dynamical Systems, Oxford University Press, 2001.
2) R.F. Werner, Quantum Information Theory - An Invitation, quant-ph/0101061.
3) Michael Nielsen, Isaac Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information, Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Syllabus: I will discuss in this course some of the mathematical concepts and ideas that appear in quantum information theory and quantum dynamical systems.

After a short introduction to quantum mechanics (observables, states, measurements, density matrices and all that), I plan to discuss the notion of entanglement of quantum systems. Entanglement is a feature of quantum mechanics, which does not exist in classical physics. It expresses a correlation of subsystems of a quantum physical system which appears naturally as soon as the commutative algebras of functions in classical physics are replaced by non-commutative algebras of operators (matrices) in quantum physics. Entanglement is believed to be related to what speeds up a quantum computer and is currently the subject of intense study in quantum information science. If a correlated quantum system contains ``enough'' entanglement, then it can be used to transmit quantum information on a classical channel (quantum teleportation). Mathematically, noncommutative structures described by operator theory, the theory of operator algebras and the theory of completely positive maps are at the heart of these phenomena.

Quantum dynamical systems are given by structure preserving maps of noncommutative topological spaces or noncommutative measure spaces. If time allows I will discuss such systems and present notions of entropy (due to von Neumann, Connes and others) that are used to study mixing properties of such maps. These notions of entropy turn out to be very closely related to various measures which are currently proposed as a way to quantify entanglement of quantum physical systems.

Grading: There will be no exams. The course grade will be based on attendance. I will assign (optional) problems during the lectures.

Remark: I have given a course on quantum information theory in Spring 2001. Some overlap with my previous course is unavoidable (eg. the introductory part to quantum mechanics might be similar), but the emphasis of my previous course was on computing, quantum computing, quantum algorithms, error correction etc.. The main topic of this course will not be quantum computing, although the principles discussed in the course will be motivated by quantum computing and will pertain to quantum computers as a particular case of quantum physical systems. I will emphasize in this course more the mathematical structures underlying quantum information theory, entanglement and quantum dynamical systems.

Remark: Atac Imamoglu is teaching a course on quantum information processing in the spring quarter as well. To find out what he will emphasize, please contact him at atac@ece.ucsb.edu.

Course poster (pdf file, size: 72k)