Organizers: Basak Gurel and Ioana Suvaina
Mondays, 4:10
Related seminars also
Speaker: Mehdi Lejmi,
Title: Deformations of non integrable hermitian-Einstein metrics
Previously, we studied deformations of extremal almost-kahler metrics
starting from an extremal
(integrable) kahler metric. In this talk, we explore deformations of
these metrics but starting from
(not necessarily integrable) extremal almost-kahler metric. We restrict
our attention to non integrable
hermitian-Einstein metrics and give some explicit examples.
Monday, September 17th,
Speaker: Marcelo Disconzi, Vanderbilt University
Title: Compactness results for the Yamabe problem, I
There is going to be a sequence of three lectures.
A detailed abstract is attached
in .pdf format
Monday, September 24th,
Speaker: Marcelo Disconzi, Vanderbilt University
Title: Compactness results for the Yamabe problem, II
Abstract: abstract for the lectures series can be found here.Monday, October 8th,
Speaker: Marcelo Disconzi, Vanderbilt University
Title: Compactness results for the Yamabe problem, III
Abstract: abstract for the lectures series can be found here.
Monday, October 15th,
Speaker: Caner Koca, Vanderbilt University
Title: Positively Curved Einstein Manifolds in Dimension Four, I
Abstract: The general theme of this series of talks will be "four-dimensional
Monday, October 29th, RESCHEDULED FROM 3:10-4:00pm, in SC 1310
Speaker: Caner Koca, Vanderbilt University
Title: Positively Curved Einstein Manifolds in Dimension Four, I (rescheduled)
Abstract: the seminar on Monday Oct 15th was cancelled. We resume on Monday 29th, at the new location, and time.Wednesday, November 14th, from 3:10-4:00pm, in SC 1310, RESCHEDULED
Speaker: Caner Koca, Vanderbilt University
Title: Positively Curved Einstein Manifolds in Dimension Four, II
Abstract: There are only two known examples of positively curved compact (orientable) Einstein 4-manifolds:
Old Seminar Web-Pages: Fall 2009, Fall 2010