Conference location

The list of restaurants in Bar Ilan.

Local information can be found

Rooms where the conference will be held

The conference will be held on the campus of Bar Ilan University. See the campus map here. The rooms are:

June, 11 -- Building 206, Room/Hall C/50, (Nanotechnology Building)

June, 12 -- Building 206, Room/Hall C/50, (Nanotechnology Building)

June, 13 -- Building 410, Beck Auditorium

June, 14 -- Building 410, Beck Auditorium

Hotel Information

We have a deal with Kfar Maccabia Hotel. They suggest 550shq (which today is equal to E112=$150), for a superior room plus breakfast. Kfar Maccabia is situated not far from the Bar Ilan University The links to the hotel are here and here. and in case the majority of participants will stay there, we can arrange a shuttle.

In order to book the room one should send an email to Mrs. Rivka Wolberger, the secretary of the Department of Mathematics, and specify arrival and departure dates. She will make the reservation with Kfar Maccabia. Since the conference coincides in dates with Maccabiada (sport games), it is highly recommended to arrange your requests by January 15.

Apart from Kfar Maccabia there are other possibilities. For example this site gives about 90 hotels.

We have the following rates for: Mercure Hotel in Bat Yam on the sea beach is $130 per night (there is a bus to Bar Ilan University, about 40 -50 minutes).

Grand Beach Hotel in Tel Aviv not far from a sea beach is $130 per night.

Google gives several more affordable accommodation options: search for "Tel Aviv,hostels".